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Parents, educators, and local stakeholders alike have equally important roles to play in launching a new Japanese program. The JFLA website’s Real Advocacy Stories page gives example after example of creative ways in which communities have organized local grass-roots level advocacy events in order to raise awareness and support for the establishment of brand new Japanese-language programs.
https://www.jflalc.org/jle-teachers-advocacy-storiesJFLA lends it support to these efforts at each stage in different ways. For example, at the grass-roots level, JFLA offers various free Japan-themed “JFLA advocacy goods” to educators and parent groups who would like to distribute them at events as giveaways and prizes.
https://www.jflalc.org/jle-goodsJFLA is also happy to provide official letters of support for establishing a new program which are addressed to superintendents, principals, and other stakeholders. Lastly, JFLA offers a Salary Assistance Grant which is a seed-money grant for hiring a new Japanese-language teacher.
https://www.jflalc.org/grants-jle-coursesWhat do you think are some of the best ways to advocate for a Japanese as a Heritage Language program?
Yasuko Uchidaゲストみなさん、JFLA所長の内田です。みなさまにとってこのフォーラムが、日頃感じている疑問や悩み、そして成功事例などをシェアして、助け合うコミュニティの場となればと願っています。みなさまの投稿をお待ちしています!